Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ready to fight beyond 4 July? Take your place in the Socialist Party

You can join the fight to end the cost-of-living crisis, NHS crisis, war, climate catastrophe - and the capitalist system lying behind them.

We need high-quality, genuinely affordable housing

Young workers face enormous challenges accessing the basics in life, and nowhere is this more obvious than with housing.

The Socialist Party is part of the CWI Click for CWI website

The Greens – are they the alternative we need?

The Green manifesto may stand out but the illusion of radicalism doesn’t stand up to closer scrutiny of their policies and approach.

Plymouth LGBTQ+ activists challenge ‘pinkwashing’

Plymouth’s LGBTQ+ Pride had been fractured in the lead-up to the event because of the involvement of companies Babcock and BT.

‘Desanitising’ Martin Luther King

Hugo Pierre reviews a recent book that looks at both the life and the political struggles of Martin Luther King.

Members’ Resources

Use this page to pay in Fighting Fund, paper sales, to search for leaflets and notify us of new members.