UCU picket line at Leicester university, February 2022, photo Steve Score
UCU picket line at Leicester university, February 2022, photo Steve Score

Socialist Party members in UCU

The University and College Union (UCU) has launched strike ballots in two disputes: one over pay and working conditions, and the second over pension cuts. All 150 university branches are being balloted on an aggregated basis under the campaign slogan ‘#UCURising’. If an overall turnout of 50% or above is achieved, alongside a majority ‘yes’ vote, then every university can be called out for the first time in these disputes, marking a significant escalation of action compared with recent years.

In the pensions dispute, UCU is demanding the scrapping of proposed cuts, and restoring benefits to 2021 levels. In the pay dispute, demands include a pay uplift of 12%, action to eliminate insecure work practices like the use or zero-hour contracts, and action to address dangerously high workloads dominant in the sector.

These conditions, together with the soaring cost of living, mean there is huge potential for a strong ‘yes’ vote.

Workers will have confidence from seeing the nationwide strikes on the railways, in Royal Mail and BT, as well as ballots taking place in other education unions at the same time.

However, meeting the threshold is not automatic. The UCU leadership must equip branches with the resources needed to mobilise the turnout and provide a lead from the top, instilling confidence in university workers that their action will be backed all the way.

The ballot closes on 21 October and strike action will be taken before Christmas if successful.