“Every transport worker should attend”

Gary Harbord, London Underground RMT member

The NSSN conference is an important event that every transport worker should try to attend.

At a time when we are facing historic attacks on our pay, terms and conditions, it is vital that the trade union movement steps up to the plate.

RMT members across 14 Train Operating Companies (TOCs) are continuing their battle against job cuts and to secure a decent pay rise.

On London Underground we are preparing to escalate strike action in defence of our pensions and terms and conditions.

The NSSN was initiated by the RMT, and is a vital platform for bringing workers together to discuss and prepare for coordinated action.

At a time when TOCs are paying out hundreds of millions of pounds in share dividends, I urge all transport workers to attend the conference and to show solidarity with all striking workers.

“A new layer of militants”

Amanda, NEU member

The recent strike wave has galvanised a new layer of industrial militants. In February this year, 50,000 new members joined my union, the National Education Union. Many people, including myself, have stepped up to become reps.

Support staff in schools have overwhelmingly voted yes to strike action in their preliminary ballot. Discussing the way forward and coordinating strike action with other unions is crucial. This task is all the more vital, given the need to prepare a fightback against the anti-union laws.

This is why I am attending the NSSN conference: to stand in solidarity with the union struggles taking place across industries, and to discuss how strike action can be coordinated and stepped up.

2023 NSSN conference

National Shop Stewards Network

Saturday 24 June, Conway Hall, London , 11am-4.30pm

Attendance fee £6
