Liverpool Stagecoach strike. Photo: John Woolley
Liverpool Stagecoach strike. Photo: John Woolley

John Woolley, Liverpool and Merseyside Socialist Party and Unite member

Bus drivers based at Stagecoach Gillmoss garage in Liverpool started a two-day strike on Monday 24 June, with more planned stoppages throughout July.

The Unite members justly demand a 9% pay increase. This would give them parity with drivers from local Arriva garages, who operate identical routes on the same service network, but Stagecoach drivers are left well behind on the hourly pay rate.

Speaking to rank-and-file members on the picket line, they are also concerned with the prospect of subtle changes to time allocated to ‘walk around’ safety checks, and erosions of their terms and conditions.

The drivers are determined to win a positive outcome, and they are also encouraged by the support they are receiving from the general public.

Even though Stagecoach has shipped in a network of well-paid scabs to try and break the strike, it appears that many people will boycott Stagecoach and use other operators.