Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist, issue 441: Time to stand up to NHS cuts!

21 articles from the Socialist, issue 441

25 May 2006

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotStand up to NHS cuts!

15,000 NHS job cuts have been announced in England and Wales since February this year! Every week the jobs cull gets bigger – but these cuts are not going unanswered. Local campaigns are springing up in many areas to fight to save the NHS.

spotSave our community hospitals

Wiltshire NHS: FOLLOWING ON from major cut-backs last year, Kennet/West Wiltshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) have announced the future closures of community hospitals in Trowbridge, Warminster, Devizes and probably Melksham and Marlborough, writes Roger Davey Senior UNISON steward, Swindon & Wiltshire Health Branch (personal capacity).


spotEducation bill – Labour depends on Tory support

THE GOVERNMENT’S controversial Education Bill, which aims to pull the comprehensive system to pieces, is getting its third and fourth readings in the Commons this week…

spotTeachers call for action

MOST TEACHERS want to fight this Education Bill but unfortunately some of our union leaders are against discussing industrial action to oppose it, writes Martin Powell-Davies, Lewisham National Union of Teachers (NUT).

Environment: Nuclear power

spotSay no to nuclear power

TONY BLAIR pre-empted his own government’s energy review, and announced to his big- business friends in the CBI that he intends to replace Britain’s nuclear power stations with new ones…

Campaign for a New Workers Party

spotStep up the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party

THE STEERING committee elected at the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party (CNWP) conference in March discussed the campaign’s next steps forward at its first meeting on 21 May…


spotThe political landscape in London after the local elections

London: FOLLOWING THE recent London local elections, PAULA MITCHELL examines the new political make-up of the capital and the prospects for working class political action over the burning issues of health, housing, transport and racism…

Northern Ireland

spotUnite against sectarianism in Northern ireland

A FIFTEEN year old Catholic school student, Michael McIlveen, was brutally assaulted in a sectarian attack in Ballymena, County Antrim on 7 May, writes Ciaran Mulholland, Belfast.

spotBobby Sands Nothing but an Unfinished Song

Review: Twenty five years ago in May, Bobby Sands, MP, died on hunger strike in the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland. Over the next few months, nine other young republican prisoners followed him, demanding jail reforms…

Socialist Party workplace news

spotPostal workers call for action

POSTAL WORKERS have delivered a thumping rejection to Royal Mail’s plans to impose a 2.9% pay offer and to implement backdoor privatisation of the Post Office…

spotNATFHE demand pay justice

NATFHE MEETS this weekend for its final conference. This follows the decision of members of both NATFHE and the AUT to merge into what will be the largest post-school education union in the world – UCU the University and College, writes Andrew Price (NATFHE NEC member Further Education Wales).

International socialist news and analysis

spotBrazil: ‘War’ erupts in São Paulo

Eyewitness report from a city in shock: A WEEK-LONG wave of violence between police and a notorious criminal gang in São Paulo, Brazil, has left over 170 people dead. As TONY SAUNOIS reports from a shocked city this ‘war’ is rooted in the country’s corrupt and brutal…

spotAppeal for solidarity with Venezuelan workers

"The Executive Committee of the trade union Suprofard, which organises the pharmaceutical workers in Caracas, Venezuela denounces the company RACE C.A for its refusal to recognise our trade union…


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