Join the Socialist Party, credit: Mary Finch (uploaded 08/03/2017)
Join the Socialist Party, credit: Mary Finch (uploaded 08/03/2017)

Isai Marijerla, Socialist Party national treasurer

The Socialist Party is extremely pleased to announce that we have ended the fourth quarter of 2022 having raised £50,306 for our fighting fund. This includes £34,204 donations by members and supporters at our Socialism 2022 event.

Last year was a financially difficult year for many workers and young people. The cost-of-living crisis, increase in inflation, wage stagnation, and onslaught by the bosses mean that masses of people are struggling to make end meets. Given the hardship and difficulties facing ordinary people, the Socialist Party is grateful for all the donations we received during all our public activities and in the Socialism 2022 appeal.

We have been campaigning for a real pay rise. And we have been supporting the numerous strikes that have been taking place – we have been on picket lines with the bus drivers, nurses, ambulance drivers, rail and postal workers, as well as others.

Christmas traditionally has been a quieter time for our members. But not this year! When workers were on strike during the festive season, Socialist Party members have been out to support them. We were alongside postal workers on Christmas Eve, bringing solidarity and discussing with them how to win the struggle for a pay rise. We have been pushing for a massive strike fund organised by the TUC or individual unions to assist those workers on the front line.

Our demand for a 24-hour general strike was well received. Strikers agree that we need to coordinate strikes and for all sectors to strike together.

As we say in our new year statement – the Socialist Party enters 2023 full of optimism. We are confident in our ideas and in the working class to deliver the socialist change we need. We have a programme of action and a strategy to achieve it.

All donations we receive will aid that process. Thank you for continuing to support the Socialist Party.