NHS protest. Photo: Paul Mattsson
NHS protest. Photo: Paul Mattsson

Ian Hunter, Derby Socialist Party

EveryDoctor is a doctor-led campaign group fighting for the NHS. It believes that “privatisation harms patients”.

The group monitors the effects of privatisation and outsourcing, and also the links between MPs and the private healthcare industry. EveryDoctor has revealed payments to MPs from private healthcare providers.

Conservative MP John Redwood topped the list, receiving almost £700,000 between 2020 and 2023. He receives his money from Charles Stanley Wealth Managers – fund managers and investors in private health providers.


Several Labour Party MPs also have their snouts in this lucrative trough. Most notably, Yvette Cooper, in receipt of £295,205 during that time.

Between 2020-2023, the ignoble top comprises:

  • John Redwood £699,250, Conservative
  • Andrew Mitchell £395,000, Conservative
  • Yvette Cooper £295,205, Labour
  • John Glen £280,000, Conservative
  • Owen Paterson £199,992, Conservative
  • Wes Streeting £183,725, Labour
  • Keir Starmer £157,500, Labour
  • Tom Tugendhat £140,000, Conservative
  • Dan Jarvis £137,500, Labour

This illustrates the massive conflict of interest from the pro-capitalist MPs, and also the determination of powerful wealthy corporations to continue to plunder and profit from the NHS.  Meanwhile, the NHS continues to be a fragmented, underfunded, understaffed and undermined institution. We need our own new mass party to fight for a socialist NHS.