A brazier donated by the Socialist Party to the Coventry bin drivers' strike has become particularly handy for the recent spell of barbecue weather. Photo Coventry SP
A brazier donated by the Socialist Party to the Coventry bin drivers' strike has become particularly handy for the recent spell of barbecue weather. Photo Coventry SP

Coventry Socialist Party

The Coventry bin drivers’ strike continues to stand firm each morning as it enters its 11th week of all-out strike action. Each day that goes on, the stronger and more determined the pickets and mood becomes. It’s also clear that the determination of the Coventry strikers is inspiring workers across the country, as more and more refuse workers take up the fight for better pay. Last week a Coventry striker and Socialist Party member addressed a mass meeting of bin workers in Rugby, also in Unite, who then voted to begin industrial action. The council had recently responded to a petition asking for better pay and conditions from the workers with an offer of advice on benefits, budgeting and employee loans!