Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

British Perspectives 2002


Campaigning for a Socialist World

The conference (or Congress) of the Socialist Party in England and Wales took place in London on 16-18 February 2002. Over 250 party members attended throughout the three days.

British Perspectives 2002

The whole of the planet was affected by the 11 September attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon and the political fallout that resulted from this.

Crisis of leadership and organisation

Leon Trotsky declared in the 1930s that the crisis of humanity could be reduced to the crisis of leadership. Today, however, the problem for the working class is not just the crisis of leadership but of organisation, particularly of trade union and political representation, in the battles that will come.

Thatcher’s urban legacy

In some of the major urban areas of Britain a strong element of the neo-colonial world - semi-favelas - already exists. A TV programme on Burnley, just before Christmas 2001, gave a picture of the scale of collapse in housing and the morale of workers in areas like this. Both Asians and whites are trapped in the hulks of what were once thriving communities, when people had jobs and industry flourished in these areas.

Political norms suspended

However, despite these attempts to cast the Tory party in the image of the US Republicans as "compassionate conservatives", it is still perceived as a right-wing neo-Thatcherite party.

Electoral work, the Socialist Alliance and perspectives for a new workers’ party

This resolution does not attempt to give a history of our work in the Socialist Alliance (SA) or a thorough perspective for the development of a new mass workers’ party. It should, therefore be read in conjunction with other material. However, it is necessary here to briefly reiterate the reasons why we are no longer part of the SA.

Industrial statement

Growing unemployment along with privatisation and the decline of public services will increasingly dominate the headlines and grind on the nerves of the working class.

Congress organisation resolution

The last year has seen a quickening of activity, as we anticipated at the last Congress. Consequently our party doubled its number of recruits in 2001

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