Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Monday, July 1, 2024

British Perspectives 2008


British Perspectives 2008

The 2008 National Congress is taking place against the background of a profound change in the world economy and, flowing from that, the political situation...

Consequences of crisis for consciousness worldwide

We do not take a simplistic 'economic determinist' approach to politics. It is not our conception that recession will automatically lead to a mass increase in support for socialist ideas...

Britain’s economic crisis

Exactly how severe the crisis in Britain's economy will be, how long it will take to bite, and the precise political effects of it, are not yet clear...

How consciousness will develop in Britain

Crucial for us are the effects that these economic developments will have on the consciousness of the working class...

Strike action in public sector

In the immediate period the battle is likely to be concentrated in the public sector...

Summer of discontent?

Many comparisons can be made between the Brown government and the Callaghan government of 1976-79...

Trade union bureaucracy

In addition the right-wing trade union bureaucracy is far more removed from the membership than was the case in the 1970s...

New mass workers’ party

The struggle to create a mass independent political voice for the working class is the most important task we face in this period...

War, the environment and social issues

While economic issues are likely to be key to the development of a new party, they are not the only issues which are having a radicalising effect, particularly on young people...

Immigration and the far right

It is estimated that around 700,000 workers have come to Britain from Eastern Europe since 2004...

General election

As stated previously, it is still too early to predict the outcome of the next general election...


We are on the cusp of an end to 15 years of uninterrupted growth, albeit lopsided, in the British economy...

Recommended supplementary reading

Recommended supplementary reading listed here.

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