Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist issue 337: March Against Liars and Occupiers

The Socialist issue 337

6 March 2004

spotMarch Against Liars And Occupiers

NO MATTER how often Tony Blair tries to sweep it under the carpet, the war on Iraq keeps reappearing…

spotStrike Against Low Pay

NINETY THOUSAND PCS members in JobCentres and benefit offices in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are preparing to take more national strike action in our fight for decent pay…

spotIraq War Continues To Haunt Blair

WHEN KATHARINE Gun decided to leak the e-mail she had received at GCHQ urging British intelligence to spy on the UN in the run up to the Iraq war she thought…

spotFascists Threaten Socialist Party Stall

NEAR THE end of Lincoln Socialist Party’s weekly campaign stall, one of our members had his petition board knocked out of his hand by an individual shouting that we "weren’t welcome"…

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotFees UP Teaching hours DOWN Students ANGRY

SUSSEX University students are angry at the lack of teaching hours. One undergraduate said: "People will lose the incentive to come to university. You’re barely getting an education. I have one seminar of one and a half hours per week,…

spotNUS / AUT nation day of action 25 Feb

Leicester: On the NUS nation day of action 150-200 University of Leicester students assembled on the lawn outside the Vice Chancellor’s office. Striking AUT lecturers joined us…

spotActivists Say Build A New Workers’ Party

Liverpool: REPRESENTATIVES OF two famous groups of Merseyside workers – the sacked Liverpool dockers and the 47 surcharged Liverpool councillors from 1983-1987 have started to organise a campaign to build a new mass party of the working class…

spotHow Socialist Councillors Fought The Cuts

SOCIALIST PARTY councillors in Coventry made a stand and ensured that jobs and services were saved in this year’s council budget. The original budget demanded service cuts and 200 job cuts, including front-line social workers for children…

spotWhat Socialism Would Mean For Women

TO CELEBRATE International Women’s Day, ELEANOR DONNE looks at the situation facing women in Britain today and what difference socialism would make to their lives…

spotCouncil Tax – Unfair And Regressive

THE COUNCIL tax has become Britain’s most hated tax. Millions struggle to pay ever- rising council tax bills while local authorities use the courts and bailiffs to retrieve arrears. In the next few weeks, we should all find out how much our council…

International socialist news and analysis

spotHaiti: Aristide Forced Out As Us Sends Troops

THE PRESIDENT of Haiti, Jean Bertrand Aristide, the former "radical slum priest", fled the country on 29 February, under pressure from the Bush administration and the threat of armed rebels…

spotEuropean Greens Unite – But Are They A Radical Alternative?

Die GRÜNEN, Les Verts, the Green Party – the German, French and UK Green Parties, along with 29 other European Green parties, are now one party standing on one platform…


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