Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist issue 362: Turn Anger Into Action

The Socialist issue 362

18 September 2004

spotTurn Anger Into Action

Cuts in jobs and public services…: “WE HAVE to tell this government that we are fed up with them knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing”, Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) general secretary Mark Serwotka told the TUC Conference…

spotTUC Delegates Give Thumbs Down To Blair

HAVING ANNOUNCED the sacking of over 100,000 civil servants in the public sector, Tony Blair went to the TUC Congress to try and persuade delegates that he had not lost touch with the concerns of hard-working families…

spotPay Us A Living Wage

WE WILL be targeting Jack Fulton’s, a cheap frozen food shop, on the ISR day of action. Fulton’s are paying 16 and 17-year-olds £2.80 an hour: even less than the measly £3 per hour minimum wage that the government is planning to introduce…

spotBehind New Labour’s Power Struggle

WHILE MOST people in Britain were preoccupied with the terrorist outrage in North Ossetia, with a worsening economic situation, price rises and the daily struggle to make ends meet, what were the priorities of Tony Blair and his New Labour government?…

International socialist news and analysis

spotBush Sinks Deeper In Iraq Quagmire

A SIGNIFICANT milestone in the war in Iraq was reached last week when US army fatalities went over 1,000 – that’s an average of 2.25 US soldiers killed each day…

spotHow The US Went To War

Review: Stuff Happens: Stuff Happens is the latest offering from David Hare, whose last play, The Permanent Way, successfully exposed the privatisation of the railways…

spotNigerian Workers Must Fight Anti-Union Law

ON 9 September the Nigerian Senate passed, at record speed, a draft law proposed by President Obasanjo. If implemented, it would severely weaken Nigeria’s trade unions…

spotAnger, Bitterness And Increasing Opposition in Germany

SINCE THE end of July, tens of thousands, mainly in east Germany, have demonstrated every Monday against government cuts. Last Saturday, 11 September, 10,000 blind people protested in Hanover against the Lower Saxony state government’s…

Socialist Party campaigns

spotBig Macs Can Seriously Damage Your Health

Review: Super Size Me: THIS IS a brilliant, fast-paced, polemical movie aimed against McDonald’s and the entire big business food industry. Film maker, Morgan Spurlock, investigates the physical, financial and legal costs of America’s huge fast food diet…

spotThe Prostitution Debate

THE CONTROVERSIAL Tolerance Zones (Scotland) Bill and the British government’s consultation document on prostitution, Paying the Price, have sparked a real debate about how to deal with the issue of prostitution…

spotAsleft: Rebuilding The Union

LAST MONTH, Shaun Brady – the right-wing general secretary of the railway union Aslef (Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen) – was dismissed from office by the union’s executive committee for gross misconduct…

spotSwansea IT Workers Determined To Win

AROUND 500 Swansea council workers marched through the city centre last week in solidarity with the 102 IT staff who have been on strike for over a month in opposition to the proposed privatisation of their department…


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