Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist, issue 422: Defend the NHS

14 articles from the Socialist, issue 422

12 January 2006

spotDefend the NHS

PROTESTERS ARE taking to the streets of Huddersfield again on 14 January, to oppose plans to centralise hospital services to a neighbouring town and the closure of a smaller local hospital…

spotFight back against far right

PROTESTERS ARE organising for a mass demonstration against the far-right British National Party (BNP) on Monday, 16 January outside Leeds Crown Court where BNP ‘fŸhrer’ Nick Griffin and his sidekick Mark Collett face charges of ‘inciting racial hatred’…

spotStop the privatisation of council housing

THE CRISIS in housing has been called a time bomb under working-class people’s living standards…

spotTuition fees repel poor students

THE CAMPAIGNING group Socialist Students has consistently argued that tuition fees would deter people from studying. Now, a new study, following a number of polls, shows that the £3,000 a year top-up fees put off working-class…

spotStriking for jobs, services and rights

PCS MEMBERS at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have voted to take industrial action as part of their jobs, services and rights campaign…

spotSuccessful tube strike must be escalated

STRIKE ACTION by station members of RMT (Rail Maritime and Transport Workers’ Union) closed 47 stations and led to severe disruption on the Northern Line, where train drivers refused to cross picket lines and also took unofficial action over the sacking of a driver on a separate issue…

spotMake your mind up time for Lib Dems?

IT SEEMS that all wings of the Liberal Democrats parliamentary party became involved in the brutal campaign to force their leader, Charles Kennedy, to step down because of his alcohol addiction…

spotFor an alternative to New Labour

The Rail, Maritime and Transport Union (RMT) has called a conference on 21 January, on working-class representation. This is an important event for all those looking towards establishing an alternative to New Labour…

spotDemocratic discussion, debate and decision-making

The Socialist Party’s national congress is taking place in Skegness over the three days Saturday 11 February to Monday 13 February 2006. Socialist Party branches throughout England and Wales are electing delegates this month…

spotPriorities and opportunities in 2006

The national committee meeting of the Socialist Party on 7-8 January was held in preparation for our national congress on 11-13 February (see page 8). CHRIS NEWBY reports…

spotFighting for socialist ideas world wide

International Executive Committee report: The Socialist Party is affiliated to the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) which organises in 36 countries on every continent…

spot£109,315 – a record year for the
fighting fund!

Last Friday (6th Jan) was the last day that money was accepted for the October to December 2005 Fighting Fund quarter…

spotSolidarity with Tehran bus workers

FOURTEEN LEADERS of Tehran’s transport workers’ union were arrested on 22 December, after staging a ‘no-ticket’ action against Sherkate Vahed, a state owned bus company in Iran, to demand higher wages…

spotAfter Sharon, what next?

ISRAELI PRIME Minister Ariel Sharon’s massive stroke on 4 January has brought widespread political instability to Israel, changing the nature of the general election there due on 28 March…


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