Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Socialist, issue 455: End the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan

26 articles from the Socialist, issue 455

21 September 2006

War and occupation

spotIraq: Will bringing the troops home bring stability?

THE NEWSPAPER headlines said it all: a “grim scorecard”, “scores die”, “murders continue unabated in Iraq”.

spotIs a lasting peace possible in Lebanon?

LASTING ONLY one month, the war in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah left 1,400 dead and 5,500 injured.

spotHow can the Palestinians win national and democratic rights?

A number of journalists have suggested that the changed situation in the Middle East following the Israel-Hezbollah war has opened the door to an Israel-Palestine settlement.

spotWhat’s socialism got to do with it?

The Israeli regime’s brutal onslaught on Lebanon, backed by Bush and Blair, created massive anger worldwide. The oppression of Palestinians, who are still without national and democratic rights, and the disaster of Iraq still evoke outrage…

spotWill the US attack Iran?

Growing tensions between the US and Iran are making many people around the world fearful of a US military strike against the Middle East country.

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotMarch to save the NHS

IS THERE no end to how far the government will go in dismantling the National Health Service? Apparently not, if Patricia Hewitt’s recent speech to a ‘think tank’ is anything to go by, writes Lois Austin.

spotCampaign to stop Hewitt’s cuts

NEW LABOUR Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt is telling people not to worry about the National Health Service. She says that threats to close down hospitals, wards, sack staff and privatise large parts of the NHS are not cuts…

spotHinckley – marching to save our hospital

ON 16 September 70 people marched in Hinckley, between Leicester and Coventry, against cuts at George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton. The Trust plan to close A & E services at weekends, and cut provision for paediatric care and…

spotThe Socialist Party says:

No cuts! No closures! No to health privatisation and ‘the market’…

Youth and Education

spotParents fight school cuts

EARLIER THIS year Gates-head’s Labour-controlled council announced plans to close three local schools, Tyne View, Windmill Hills and Lindisfarne primaries, writes Elaine Brunskill Gateshead.

spotThe ‘IPOD generation’ – worse off

INSECURE, PRESSURED, Overtaxed and Debt-ridden – a new report says this is what the term ‘IPOD generation’ really means. The report, by right-wing think-tank Reform, says "young people’s earnings are rising less than any…

spotWhy we joined the Socialist Party

BILLY MATHER and AMY TAYLOR have both recently joined the Socialist Party in Southampton. Here they give their reasons why they joined. If you’re reading this and aren’t already a member why don’t you join too? Get involved, writes Billy Mather.

Global Warming

spotCan capitalism solve the problem of global warming?

CLIMATE CHANGE caused by global warming could potentially have a catastrophic effect across huge swathes of the world. As it becomes increasingly clear that global warming is a reality, writes Pete Dickenson.

spotFighting to save jobs

OVER 100 workers answered the call with just 18 hours notice to a Friday lunchtime rally outside clothes manufacturer Burberry’s in Treorchy to begin the fight back to save the 300 jobs threatened by Burberry’s announcement of closure of the plant, writes Dave Reid.

Socialist Party workplace news

spotMerseyside firefighters take to the streets

ONE THOUSAND firefighters and their supporters marched through Liverpool on 15 September to a rally in the city centre. This was in response to a national call for solidarity with striking Merseyside firefighters, writes Roy Farrar.

spotQuote me happy? You must be joking!

NORWICH UNION is dumping another 4,000 workers, half of which will be compulsory redundancies, writes a Norwich Union worker.

spotNHS Logistics: Striking against privatisation

THE FIRST national NHS strike for 18 years will start on 21 September at 10pm. We are fighting the Department of Health’s (DOH) decision to privatise the NHS supply chain, handing it over to DHL/Novation…

spotTUC papers over the cracks

THE FIRST gig on Tony Blair’s farewell tour saw the old rocker receiving a less than ecstatic reception. In fact, only Margaret Thatcher during the miners’ strike could have got more boos and heckles than Tony Blair…

International socialist news and analysis

spot52,000 vote WASG against cuts policy

TENS OF thousands of Berliners voted against social and wage cuts in the 17 September election of the city’s parliament, the Abgeordnethaus. Berlin WASG (Election Alternative for Work and Social Justice) won over 52,000 constituency votes, writes Robert Bechert.

spotRight victory punishes Social Democracy

THE RIGHT-wing coalition of the Liberal Party, Centre Party, Christian Democrats and New Moderates won the 17 September elections in Sweden, threatening attacks on working conditions and public services…


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