Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist, issue 445: NHS: We're fighting back

25 articles from the Socialist, issue 445

22 June 2006

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotNHS cuts… closures… privatisation… We’re fighting back!

NHS protesters from London's Whipps Cross hospitalALL OVER greater Manchester, NHS managers are using dishonest slogans like “Making health better,” “healthy futures” and “best for health” to ram through a savage cuts programme.

spotFight the cuts in community services

HUNDREDS OF health visitors, district nurses and school nurses lobbied the health scrutiny committee of Waltham Forest Council in east London on 12 July…

Socialist Party youth and students

spotFight Low Pay

ISR campaigning against low pay in Cardiff

SUMMER HOLIDAYS at last… but you’re broke… So the first task when you recover from exams is spending days traipsing around, facing rejection, looking for a boring job where you get paid peanuts.

spotSocialist Students receive standing ovation

Leicester UCU dispute: At Leicester University, Socialist Students members were involved in the setting up of the Campaign for Students’ Information, because the Students’ Union (SU) executive were campaigning against the lecturers’ marking boycott (despite their declared support for the lecturers)…

Socialist Party feature

spotUS ’empire’ in crisis

George Bush, cartoon by Alan Hardman

George Bush, cartoon by Alan Hardman

Feature: THE US is the world’s only superpower yet, despite its overwhelming military might, in relation to Iraq, Afghanistan and now Somalia it has become embroiled in situations that it cannot control. Peter Taaffe writes.

Socialist Party campaigns

spotCommunity protests at trigger-happy policing

Marching in Forest Gate

Forest Gate raid: TWO THOUSAND protesters marched through east London last Sunday to demand an apology from the Metropolitan police over the Forest Gate ‘anti-terrorism’ raid – in which Abdul Kahar was shot and arrested along with his brother, Abul Koyair…

spotArise…Sir tax-avoider!

BEING KNIGHTED in the honours list isn’t quite such a big thing as becoming a Lord but it’s obviously got some attractions for billionaire businessmen…

spotLabour defeated over schools and pool…

Lewisham council: LEWISHAM SOCIALIST Party councillors Ian Page and Chris Flood are leading the way in two long-running campaigns; the fight for a new school in the north of the borough and the battle to save Ladywell swimming pool…

spotBattle of the Thatcherites!

North Tyneside: IN A draconian measure to ‘improve services’ (read ‘cut costs’) North Tyneside’s New Labour council wants to hire private companies to, potentially, run all of its services…

spotFootball: A high price for the beautiful game

SOCIALIST PARTY member Kevin Miles is the International Co-ordinator for the Football Supporters Federation – the fans official spokesperson. He is in Germany at the moment, with the “Fan’s Embassy.”…

Socialist Party review

spot1926 General Strike: workers taste power

TONY MULHEARN, one of the leaders of the Liverpool 47 councillors who fought the Tories in the 1980s reviews Peter Taaffe’s new book…

spotSecuestro Express

One of the most controversial films in Venezuela in many years, Secuestro Express was made by a director who is rumoured to support reactionary opposition parties in the country…

Socialist Party LGBT

spotPutting the politics into Pride

Europride 2006 – 1 July: The Lesbian and Gay rights movement started in 1969 with the Stonewall riots in New York when drag queens physically fought the police who were raiding gay bars…

International socialist news and analysis

spotSocialists oppose the war in Sri Lanka

ON 15 June, two claymore mines exploded in Sri Lanka destroying a bus packed with farmers, workers and children. Over 60 were killed and another 40 injured…

spotSoweto uprising 1976: The powder keg ignites

THIRTY YEARS ago, South Africa’s vicious apartheid regime was shaken by an heroic uprising started by thousands of school students in the black ‘township’ of Soweto near Johannesburg…

Socialist Party workplace news

spotBrown attacks public sector workers

GORDON BROWN has declared war on public-sector workers’ pay. In a recent speech to the bosses’ organisation the CBI, he called for a three-year pay freeze. Brown is clearly setting out the programme he wants to implement whenever…

spotAnger at inept handling of pensions dispute

UNISON local government conference: UNISON’S LOCAL government conference, held prior to the main UNISON conference, exploded into anger at the blatant manoeuvrings of the platform…


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