Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist issue 473: BLAIR MUST GO!

The Socialist issue 473

8 February 2007


Blair's strings to big business Time for a new workers’ party: The ‘cash for peerages’ scandal has again reared its head with more arrests and police now circling around Tony Blair himself, writes Rob Windsor, Socialist Party Councillor, Coventry

spotSold to big business

spotCan the Left reclaim Labour?

spotMerseyside Campaign for a new workers’ party

spotWebsite of the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party

Civil servants’ strike

spotInterview with Mark Serwotka: “This is just the beginning of the campaign”

Mark Serwotka HUNDREDS OF thousands of civil and public service union (PCS) members were out in force on strike on 31 January. They were fighting government plans to cut and relocate jobs, worsen working conditions and make below-inflation pay offers while the government is spending billions of pounds on private consultants.

spotWelsh strikers close down Assembly

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotAnger at union leaders’ timidity

AROUND THE country, health campaigners in ‘save our NHS’ groups such as PUSH and KONP are furious that there will not be a national demonstration on 3 March organised by the health trade unions…

spotManchester nurses strike against health cuts


spotChange the system not the climate!

cartoon by Alan Hardman UN report predicts climate chaos: THIS MONTH saw the publication of the fourth report from the UN’s climate science programme (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC)…

spotBush’s bio-fuel bull

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotHas Manchester struck it lucky?

Super-casinos: “MANCHESTER HITS the jackpot.” This was how the Manchester Evening News greeted the announcement that the city had won the bid for Britain’s first ‘super casino’…

Socialist Party campaigns

spotCamden council blames cuts on ‘spending gap’

CAMDEN’S NEW Lib Dem/Tory coalition council have embarked on a £40 million cuts programme to jobs and services. …

spotDon’t privatise social housing!

spotTenants pay when things go wrong

spotCoventry – a victory for determination

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotRising anger and discontent in Europe

CWI World Congress report: IN THIS second report in the socialist from the recent ninth world congress of the Committee for a Workers’ International, Paula Mitchell summarises some of the themes raised in the discussion on Europe….

International socialist news and analysis

spotDarfur – another failure of Western ‘conflict resolution’

OVER THE last three years, between 200,000 and 400,000 people died in the Darfur conflict, in western Sudan…

spotSri Lanka: Keep up the protests

Socialist Party Marxist analysis

spotThe writing on the Chinese wall

Can China achieve the transition from ‘communism’ to capitalism? How long will its turbocharged economic growth last? Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary, reviews The Writing on the Wall – China and the West in the 21st Century by Will Hutton

Workplace news

spotStop the Valentine’s Day pay massacre !

Southampton care workers: Workers in six Southampton care homes received huge local support last weekend during a three-day strike to stop vicious wage cuts being imposed by the city council…

spotStriking back at the privateers

spotCorus deal threatens new cost-cutting

spotCabin crew angry over BA deal

spotMay Day greetings


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