Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist, issue 491: Fight for a living wage

Articles from the Socialist, issue 491

14 June 2007

spotFight for a living wage

77% ‘yes’ for action: Defend the postal service COMMUNICATION WORKERS’ Union (CWU) members across the country have massively voted in favour of strike action to defend terms and conditions and the postal service…

spotNo to attacks on pay and conditions: leaflet

spotCome to the National Shop Stewards Network Founding Conference

spotFounding Conference of the National Shop Stewards Network

Founding Conference of the National Shop Stewards Network

Saturday 7 July, 11am-5pm, South Camden Community School, Carrington Street, London NW11RG


Mark Serwotka, general secretary Public and Commercial Services union (PCS), Janice Godrich, president PCS, Bob Crow general secretary RMT

For more details see or email [email protected]. Send £5 per delegate to NSSN c/o Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD.

spotStoke: Anger at postal privatisation

Unison national conference

spotFight attacks on the public sector

Unsion workers in blood processing on the NHS demonstration March 3rd 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

Unsion workers in blood processing on the NHS demonstration March 3rd 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

Wherever you look in the public sector today, workers are under attack. The very concept of public service is being eroded by a Labour government whose…

spotMembers’ discontent strengthens left in UNISON elections

spotCampaign For A New Workers’ Party public meeting

CNWP meeting Cardiff

Campaign For A New Workers’ Party public meeting

Thursday 28 June 7pm
Sandringham Hotel, St. Mary Street, Cardiff

Dave Nellist, leader of Socialist Group on Coventry City council

Katrine Williams, chair, Public and Commercial Services union, Wales

Mark Evans, assistant secretary, Carmarthenshire County UNISON

Chair: Ramon Corria, secretary, Cardiff TUC

All in a personal capacity

spotSwansea workers fight privatisation

spotMerger with GMB?

What we think

spotUnited public sector struggle needed

What we think: ROYAL MAIL management has declared that it will not return to negotiations with the post workers’ union, the CWU, over their pay claim, unless they call off the threatened national strike…

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotFresh wave of protest in NHS

NHS demonstration March 3rd 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

NHS demonstration March 3rd 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

“POLITICAL MEDDLING has brought the NHS to its knees… give us back the health service and we will rebuild it,” said Jonathan Fielden of the British…

spotLabour climbs down in Wales – but for how long?

spotCoventry – Anger at NHS redundancy threat

spotDurham hospitals jobs threat

spotPrescription for profit

spotStem cell potential to break medicine bottleneck

War and terrorism

spotStop The War Coalition – demonstration

Stop The War Coalition – demonstration

Sunday 24 June. Assemble 12 noon.
Albert Square, central Manchester.

Join the protests at Gordon Brown’s ‘coronation’ as prime minister.

Protest against the continuing occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

spotAnti-Bush day in Italy – A tale of two protests

GEORGE BUSH’S visit to Italy generated a huge protest by the anti-war and anti-globalisation movement…

G8 Summit protests

spotWhat did the G8 summit achieve?

spotG8 protests: Determination wins through

International socialist news and analysis

spotBoycotts of Israel: Will they help the Palestinians?

THE UK National Union of Journalists (NUJ) conference recently passed a resolution calling for a boycott of Israeli goods…

spotWestern hypocrisy over ‘democracy’ utilised by Putin

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotOil, profits, sleaze and hypocrisy

Saudi arms contract: THE FINANCIAL Times called it ‘An arms deal that stinks of hypocrisy’. The FT does not normally rail against commercial deals that make super-profits…

spotHow Mittal makes millions

spotBosses’ bonuses

spotAmicus conference: Unite and New Labour


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