Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist, issue 490: Labour cheats NHS

Articles from the Socialist, issue 490

7 June 2007

spotLabour cheats NHS

NHS demonstration March 3rd 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

NHS demonstration March 3rd 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

Stop cuts and closures: NHS WORKERS were outraged when they heard that there had been a £500 million under-spend in the NHS in England…

spotPFI – a licence to print money

spotPetition on NHS: Stop cuts and privatisations (word)

War and terrorism

spotFight Brown’s agenda of war, cuts & privatisation

Gordon Brown, on the cover of Socialism Today, cartoon by Suz

Gordon Brown, on the cover of Socialism Today, cartoon by Suz

Join the 24 June demo : GORDON BROWN is visiting Manchester for a special Labour conference as part of his “coronation” as prime minister. His cheerleaders claim: “Brown won’t be like Blair”. One such apologist recently said: “What shade of Brown we get depends on us”.

We say any shade of New Labour’s wars, cuts and privatisations is unacceptable!

Socialist Party workplace news

spotPostal workers fight closure

As postal workers nationally voted overwhelmingly for national strike action, The Socialist received this report of strike action in Derbyshire.

spotCoventry says ‘keep our Post Office open’

spotCWU delegates attack link with Labour

spotCome to the Shop Stewards’ Network conference

THE FOUNDING conference of the Shop Stewards Network (NSSN), to be held in London on 7 July, is gathering widespread support wherever it is raised….

spotNational Shop Stewards Network Founding conference

National Shop Stewards Network Founding conference

Saturday 7 July, 11am – 5pm

South Camden Community School, Charrington Street,

London NW1. (near Kings Cross/Euston stations)

spotRitzy – low-paid workers strike again


Campaign For A New Workers’ Party Public meeting

Thursday 28th June, 7.00pm

Sandringham Hotel

St. Mary Street, Cardiff


Dave Nellist Leader of Socialist Group on Coventry City Council
Katrine Williams Chair, PCS (Public and Commercial Services union) Wales
Mark Evans Assistant Secretary,  Carmarthenshire County UNISON


Ramon Corria Secretary, Cardiff TUC

All in a personal capacity

G8 Summit protests

spot80,000 demonstrate against the G8 summit

G8 demonstration in Rostock, Germany, photo SAV

G8 demonstration in Rostock, Germany, photo SAV

Rostock, Germany: For people watching the television news, the coverage of the anti-G8 protests has been dominated by reports of violent clashes between police and some protesters…

spotActivists with ideas

What we think

spotDrowning in an ocean of debt

IT IS a telling sign of the scale of debt-related stress, when some people who have ‘opted’ for bankruptcy say they are relieved…

Socialist Party feature

spotYoung people: a bright future… or different shades of grey

What’s facing young people today?: YOUNG PEOPLE today are more likely to be regarded by the government and the bosses’ press as a threat and a nuisance, rather than the next generation that needs encouragement and development…

International socialist news and analysis

spotBolivia: Release Adam Ziemkowski

spotSouth Africa: Public sector workers in mass fightback

IN WHAT independent television channel, ETv, described as the biggest strike since 1994 (the year the ANC government came to power), the overwhelming majority of South Africa’s one million public sector workers started an in…

spotThe Arab-Israel 1967 war: repression and bloodshed continues

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotDon’t trust the Trust schools – organise!

spotTony Blair “brings church into school”

spotWeekly bin collections AND recycling schemes

spotBlack and Asian group: Socialist ideas to unite all workers

spotTake part in the 22-28 June Fighting Fund week of action

spotThe fat cat and the ‘cleaning lady’

Workplace news and analysis

spotRemploy management squander opportunities

REMPLOY HAVE announced the closure of 43 factories. If this goes ahead, around 2,500 disabled people will lose their jobs. The danger will be that many…

spotTesco strikes show new mood

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