Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist, issue 486: Workers need a political voice

Articles from the Socialist, issue 486

10 May 2007

spotConference for a working class alternative

spotBlair’s departure: Curtain falls on disastrous reign

spotWorkers need a political voice

PCS on strike 1 May 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

PCS on strike 1 May 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

After the no-choice elections: THE 3 MAY council elections for most workers were a choice between New Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems…

Socialist Party election analysis

spotTime for a new workers’ party

Campaign for a new workers, photo Paul Mattsson

Campaign for a new workers, photo Paul Mattsson

2007 election analysis: Belligerent to the end, Blair described Labour’s election results as a “perfectly good springboard to win the next election”…

Campaign for a New Workers Party

spotCampaign for a New Workers’ Party conference

CNWP conference

Campaign for a New Workers’ Party conference

Saturday 12 May 12 – 5 pm

University College London, Gower Street.

To register or find out more visit

Speakers include:

Ricky Tomlinson – actor and Shrewsbury Two Campaign

Chris Baugh – PCS assistant general secretary

Dave Nellist – Socialist Party councillor

Mel Mills – Huddersfield parent – campaigning against the closure of local nurseries and standing in the 3 May elections against cuts and privatisation.

Tony Mulhearn – Liverpool 47

spotHow we can fight to build a new workers’ party

“ABANDONED BY New Labour, working people need a political voice,” said Chris Baugh, assistant general secretary of the PCS union…

Socialist Party NHS campaign

spotSave Maudsley emergency clinic now!

STOP NHS CUTS: “WE WILL fight tooth and nail. We have been out on the streets, we have had four demonstrations, we will not allow this clinic to close. We will do anything…

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotEscaping Maggie Thatcher’s glare

Why I joined: I joined the Socialist Party as a result of my own experiences in the last year which made me realise we have to stand together if we are ever to change the world…

spotSalford: Tenants oppose stock transfer

International socialist news and analysis

spotFrance: preparing for a “third round” on the streets

French presidential election: THE PRESIDENTIAL victory of France’s right wing Nicholas Sarkozy – with 53% in the second round – raises the question of why this result happened in a country renowned for regular working-class struggles and anti-market cons…

spotTurkey: “No to coups, no to sharia”

spotMusharraf hangs on in Pakistan while poverty and oppression multiplies

Socialist Party election campaign

spotStrong support for the Socialist Party in Coventry

After another hard fought battle in Coventry’s St Michael’s ward, Socialists narrowly lost and now hold two seats on Coventry Council…

spotHuddersfield: Support for NHS campaign cuts across Labour lies

spotWales: Labour’s worst result

spotScottish Elections: Labour rocked as SNP wins

Socialist Party workplace news

spotPCS: Unity against low pay

spotOne big rail union?


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