Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist issue 823

3 September 2014

Fourfold rise in youth on poverty pay

PDF | 2014 Back issues

The Socialist issue 823

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotStop the Con-Dems destroying our NHS!

Cameron’s government is destroying the National Health Service by privatising huge swathes of it. Last year Simon Stephens was appointed chief executive of NHS England. Stephens used to run US firm UnitedHealth’s European arm

The People's March for the NHS reaches Bolsover, photo Elaine Evans

The People’s March for the NHS reaches Bolsover, photo Elaine Evans

spotPre-election Britain – crisis brewing on all fronts

The 2015 general election is a mere eight months away yet impossible to call. But, as Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary writes, what is clear is that none of the capitalist parties hold any real attraction for working class voters

spotRotherham: Council and police cover up abuse

There has been widespread revulsion and outrage at the findings of the report by Professor Alexis Jay into the horrendous abuse of children and young people in Rotherham, published on 26 August

spotDemocratic rights attack under ‘fighting terror’ guise

The government has raised the terror alert level from ‘severe’ to ‘substantial’. The main threat now, they say, is the Islamic State (IS) organisation and British Muslim fighters returning from Iraq

spotClacton Tory MP defects to Ukip

A new Punch and Judy show: MP Douglas Carswell has left the Tories and joined Ukip, resigning from parliament to trigger a byelection

spotThem & Us

Socialist Party youth and students

spotFourfold rise in youth on poverty pay

Fight for £10 an hour now! Don’t be young. Not if you want a house or enough to live on. A new study out this month details the continuing decay of youth wages and home ownership

We need real jobs with a living wage, photo Paul Mattsson

We need real jobs with a living wage, photo Paul Mattsson

spotFast Food Rights: ‘Get the pink T-shirt lady out of here!’

spotJoin the fight for free education and student grants!

We now have to stay in compulsory education until we’re 18, without Education Maintenance Allowance

spotWales: Save the Financial Contingency Fund

The Welsh Government announced on 20 August 2014 it had abolished the Financial Contingency Fund (FCF) for universities in Wales this academic year

International socialist news and analysis

spotUkraine conflict ratchets up the international crisis

Fighting in Ukraine escalated sharply over the last week as anti-government forces carried out a successful counter-attack, gaining territory in the south and east, writes Niall Mulholland.

spotTamil Solidarity Day – building unity to fight oppression

Tamil Solidarity is holding its annual “Solidarity Day” with Day-Mer, Turkish and Kurdish Community, on 6 September

Socialist Party workplace news

spotStrike to save the NHS

Health workers balloted to join 14 October public sector action: While NHS bosses hold secret meetings with private health companies looking to get their greasy hands on £1 billion worth of public money, NHS workers have seen their pay fall by 15% in real terms since 2010

Workers' action can stop NHS cuts and privatisation, photo Paul Mattsson

Workers’ action can stop NHS cuts and privatisation, photo Paul Mattsson

spotCouncil proposes worst cuts in living memory

spotRomford sparks victory over ‘umbrella’ scheme

spotTeachers want action from their trade union

spotCare UK workers continue fight for decent pay

spotRitzy cinema workers continue living wage struggle

Workers at the Ritzy cinema in Brixton, south London, have been involved in a long, bold campaign for the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour, writes Laurence Maples.

spotWorkplace news in brief

London bus pay demo: On 11 September, London bus drivers are demonstrating for unified pay rates across the several bus firms

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotVictory for disabled transport campaign

Salford Against the Cuts is delighted by the recent judgement in the High Court which obliges Salford City Council to continue, for the time being, to provide transport for adults with disabilities

Campaigners lobbying Salford City Council, photo Andrew Carss

Campaigners lobbying Salford City Council, photo Andrew Carss

spotNew member thirsts for knowledge

spotProtesting against police racism

The bank holiday weekend saw the Notting Hill Carnival. Our successful campaign work focussed on the continued unrest in Ferguson, Missouri

spotSolidarity Street

spotFighting Huddersfield library cuts

spotAnti-racist day of action: 18 September

spotRally for history’s longest strike

The Socialist readers’ comments

spotPlanning, not competition, to meet our transport needs

Apparently, outside London where bus use is expanding, fewer people than ever are using buses because of rising prices

Unite rally against cuts to London buses, photo Paul Mattsson

Unite rally against cuts to London buses, photo Paul Mattsson

spotChallenging Ukip’s lies

Ukip’s bandwagon is coming to town. This rotting carcass of bigotry and filth no longer presents itself as the friendly racist at the country pub

spotFootball fans angry at prices


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