Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist issue 895

30 March 2016

We demand a real living wage of 10 an hour now!

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The Socialist issue 895

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotWe demand a real living wage

Some workers will be excited for a pay rise in April as the National ‘Living’ Wage comes into force. But is it really a great deal for workers? Or is it fool’s gold?

spotTeachers and school students march against forced academies

spotAcademy chain axed in head’s pay scandal

spotDisabled activists shame tory cutters

spot1% worried

spotWhat we saw

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us.

International socialist news and analysis

spotBelgium: Far right attack vigil for Brussels victims

Eyewitness report from members of Linkse Socialistische Partij/Parti Socialiste de Lutte Socialist Party’s sister organisation in Belgium

spotKazakhstan: Treatment of political prisoners condemned

On 10 March, MEPs in Strasbourg agreed a condemnation of the Kazakhstan’s President Nazarbayev regime’s treatment of political prisoners

spotInternational news in brief

Short stories on workers’ struggles around the world.

European Union referendum

spotWhy socialists should vote to leave the EU

Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary, answers some common questions about the socialist case for exit

spotVote against the EU – but no unity with Tories or UKIP

The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) has written a formal letter to the Electoral Commission asking them not to give millions of pounds of public resources to Tory and Ukip EU campaigners in June’s referendum

Socialist Party workplace news

spotSolidarity with junior doctors

The BMA (British Medical Association) is to escalate strike action in its continued fightback against an unsafe and unfair contract, writes Zoe Brunswick, medical student.

spotNUT to ballot for action over academies

Delegates at the National Union of Teachers (NUT) national conference this Easter decisively voted to ballot for strike action against the government’s ‘white paper’ plan to force every school to become an academy by 2020

spotMuseum workers strike to defend pay

spotGreenwich labour councillors given the red card

Library campaigners in Greenwich red-carded Labour councillors who refused to sign a pledge committing to do all they can to keep libraries open

spotLambeth: Librarians walk out over cuts and privatisation

spotTube workers’ strike shuts Piccadilly Line

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles.

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spot‘No forced academies’ demonstrations

On Wednesday 23rd March, Socialist Students and Socialist Party members joined the thousands who marched

spotSwansea: Fascist thugs made to look pathetic

One particularly wet and bedraggled looking fascist, his face hidden by hood and scarf, held a banner that said “white pride worldwide”, writes Socialist Party reporters.

spotAll you need is love – and a stall!

Socialist Party comments and reviews

spotFeatured letter: ‘Universal Jobmatch’ con: ‘Rabbit trail’ of recurring, non-existent job ads

‘Universal Jobmatch’ is a website jobseekers are encouraged to use to find work

spotEnter Shikari review: A kaleidoscope of colour

Seeing alternative rock four-piece Enter Shikari in Cardiff turned out to be less a show and more an all-out assault on practically all our senses. And it was awesome!, writes Ronnie Job.

spotLetter: Inadequate academies

Letters to the Socialist’s editors.

Socialist Party feature

spotFighting the great tax robbery: taxes and regulation or socialist nationalisation?

Tax avoidance has been in the headlines lately, provoking renewed calls to tax the rich and big business


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