Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Socialist issue 1090

10 June 2020

“Seize the time!”

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The Socialist issue 1090

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Black Lives Matter

spotFight racism and class inequality. “Seize the time!”

Anti-racist protests are sweeping across the country and the world. A diverse and powerful movement, it feels stronger and more radical than we have seen for years.

spotBlack Lives Matter protests sweep country: How can the movement win?

spotMass protests erupt

spotBlack and white youth rise up against racism – US protester speaks to the Socialist

spotCapitalism = racism: “You fight capitalism with socialism”

spot“We’re going to fight racism and capitalism with socialism”

spotFrance: 20,000 rally against Paris’s killer gendarmes

spotSocialists call for trade unions to join the fight

We raised a motion urging the union to state support for “the demonstrations that are being called across the UK, with suitable social distancing and other protective measures, including in Cardiff at the weekend, Belfast on Monday, and Glasgow and London on Wednesday


spotTories backtrack in England – Stand firm for school safety

spotOppose the Welsh government’s reckless return to school plan

Workplace news

spotNon-essential retail to open – Organise at work

Boris Johnson has announced government plans to relax lockdown further, with a wider opening of non-essential retail on 15 June.

spotDebenhams: Workers made to pay for Covid-19 crisis

As a warning of the coming recession we are now entering, Debenhams went into administration in April last year, with 22 stores closing, and all but 39 of the remaining stores having rent reductions

spotWorkers’ union and campaign group fights Derby Rolls-Royce job cuts

spotHomerton Hospital – withdraw private contract


spotTest-and-trace fiasco – the ringing of the cash till

spotCoronavirus pandemic news in brief

“There is no privatisation of the NHS on my watch”, said serial bullshitter health secretary Matt Hancock in January

spotBAME coronavirus deaths – an indictment of capitalist inequality

Lessons from history

spotRoosevelt’s New Deal programme – reforms to save capitalism


spotKen Douglas: A tireless and determined fighter for socialism

The Socialist Party collectively is grieving deeply the loss to cancer of our much-loved national treasurer, Ken Douglas

Ken Douglas

Campaigns and reports

spotWhy we joined the Socialist Party

spotDonate so we can raise our socialist message

We’ve printed tens of thousands of leaflets explaining our socialist response to the killing of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police

spotDomestic violence murder

Readers’ opinion

spotAs a health worker, I had to march against racism

spotReaders’ opinion: Things will never be the same

Do you have something to say? Send your news, views and criticism in no more than 150 words to [email protected] or Socialist Inbox, PO Box 1398, Enfield EN1 9GT.


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